SPECIFIC GUIDANCE BASED ON THIS TYPE OF VIOLENCE: Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence and Stalking — Crime Survivors Guide
SUPPORT GROUPS: https://www.crimesurvivorsnola.org/support-groups Visit our page of current (mostly FREE) support groups, some are in person, and some are virtual
HOW TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL HELP (CRIME VICTIMS REPARATIONS): https://www.crimesurvivorsnola.org/cvr-guide
LEARN ABOUT THE CRIMINAL LEGAL PROCESS (POLICE, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, COURT): https://www.crimesurvivorsnola.org/criminal-legal-process
TRACK A CRIMINAL COURT CASE (ORLEANS) ONLINE: https://www.crimesurvivorsnola.org/docket-master Visit our guide to learn how to track the status of a criminal court case in Orleans Parish
FOR MENTAL HEALTH HELP: MENTAL HEALTH-LOCAL — Resources Blog — Crime Survivors Guide
FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE POLICIES OF LOCAL HOSPITALS (MEDICAL BILLS): www.crimesurvivorsnola.org/hospital-financial-assistance
Office: (504) 592-4005 • Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 866-9554 • 701 Loyola Ave, New Orleans 70113 • Email: healing@nofjc.org • https://www.nofjc.org/ • Comprehensive free services for survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking, including: case management, legal referrals, assistance with making police reports, housing and educational services, and trauma recovery counseling for adult survivors and their children; See other NOFJC programs: Hope Community Health Center and Mary Claire’s Place and refer to our Support Groups page for current groups
Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 837-5400 • Toll Free: (888) 411-1333 • Via Link: 211 • www.mccagno.org • Email: metro@mccagno.org • Refer to www.mccagno.org/contact/ for parishes in which services are offered; Free counseling, legal aid, and emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; Locations in St. Tammany, Jefferson E & W Bank, St. Charles
New Orleans Family Justice Center: (504) 592-4005 • Crisis Line 24/7: (504) 866-9554 • https://www.nofjc.org/our-services • Immediate housing & legal aid for those fleeing domestic abuse; Free; Confidential location; See the main NOFJC listing and other programs like the Hope Community Health Center
(504) 865-5153 • Contact and intake info: https://law.tulane.edu/clinics/intake • https://law.tulane.edu/clinics/dv • Pro bono if income-eligible, contact for eligibility; represents survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
(225) 925-4792 • Toll Free: 1 (800) 825-3805 • P.O. Box 91301, Baton Rouge 70821 • Visit https://www.sos.la.gov/OurOffice/ Click on “Address Confidentiality Program” in left menu • Visit our guide: https://www.crimesurvivorsnola.org/acp-guide • Free program to provide survivors of abuse, sexual assault or stalking with a substitute address to use in place of their actual address when they apply for or receive state or local government services (e.g., driver’s license, voter registration, public school records, etc.); the goal is to prevent an assailant or potential assailant from finding the location of a victim through the state’s public records
(225) 372-8995 • Crisis Line 24/7 (English/Spanish): 1 (888) 995-7273 • Visit website for text or online chat: https://www.lafasa.org/ • Provides advocacy and legal services directly to survivors; See “Resource Center” on website; Hours 9am-4pm; Legal support may be available if you are in a parish that does not have a local accredited sexual assault center, or if your accredited local sexual assault center does not offer legal support; Refer to LAFASA website for a list of accredited sexual assault centers in your area
(504) 861-5590 • Director Tim McEvoy: tmcevoy@loyno.edu • https://law.loyno.edu/centers/stuart-h-smith-law-clinic • See website for eligibility/application; represents children who have been victims of, or witnessed abuse in civil family law matters; survivors of DV/IPV, sexual assault, and stalking; Pro bono/free (if income-eligible)
(504) 310-6872 • Email: vgordy@ccano.org • www.ccano.org/domestic-violence-services/ • Emergency legal services for domestic violence victims in Orleans Parish Civil District Court, handling restraining order hearings, which may include temporary custody and other relief; Free; Appointment only; Virtual meetings have expanded access
https://www.womenslaw.org/ • For all people; You can use their email hotline to ask a legal question about domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking; Provides referrals and emotional support (but not legal advice); Has listings of law clinics throughout LA
(414) 559-2123 • https://forge-forward.org/ • Anti-violence resources: https://forge-forward.org/resources/anti-violence/ • Provides training and technical assistance to help victim service providers assist transgender and non-binary survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; Website has resources for both service providers and trans communities
Email: knowyourix@advocatesforyouth.org • https://knowyourix.org/ • Survivor and youth-led project of Advocates for Youth educating and empowering students; Website includes resources to educate on Title IX regulations
Help Line: 1 (866) 331-9474 • TTY (for those who are deaf or hard of hearing): 1 (800) 787-3224 • https://www.loveisrespect.org/ • A project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline; Supports healthy relationships for those between 13 and 26; Website includes resources, live chat option, and information on healthy relationships, personal safety and supporting others
https://nnedv.org/ • Safety Net: https://www.techsafety.org/ • Provides training and assistance to state and local coalitions who help domestic violence survivors; Provides an annual report based on a survey of providers; Offers technology safety tips for survivors through the Safety Net Project
Confidential 24/7 National Helpline: 1 (800) 656-4673 • https://www.rainn.org/ • Chat online: https://hotline.rainn.org/online • Nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization
(202) 558-0040 • https://www.stalkingawareness.org/ • Provides online resources; Can do an online Stalking and Harassment Assessment and Risk Profile (SHARP); Not a direct service provider