Child or Elder Abuse
This section includes contacts and information specific to Child or Elder Abuse.
Please refer to immediate practical matters for additional urgent needs and concerns. This section gives a quick overview of specific types of crimes or incidents that you may have experienced. At the end of each section is a list of related resources under Agencies involved.
Contact info for agencies involved is in RESOURCES.
Child Abuse
Detectives from NOPD’s Special Victims Section will investigate.
This vulnerable population can be crime victims, either repeatedly or by an isolated event. This may be hard to determine if a child is too afraid to share what is happening, or doesn’t understand what has happened. The age of the child also affects different responses, as does exposure to violence, and many other factors.
Try to get them (and family members) professional and behavioral assistance ASAP.
See our mental health issues children face [See Helping Children Cope], and Mandatory Reporting and Medical matters [See Sexual Assault section above].
The DA has a Children’s Advocate for child victims.
To learn more about childhood trauma visit the National Child Traumatic Stress Network:
Guns are the leading cause of death in America. Request a free gun lock here (only in Orleans Parish).
Agencies involved
NOPD Special Victims; Orleans District Attorney’s Office DA (after arrest); Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office OPSO (if accused is jailed); Federal agencies (some cases); Docket Master (to track an Orleans criminal court case) and LA Vine (to sign up for victim notifications of custody status); Crime Victims Reparations (CVR) (victim-survivor compensation)
Forensic medical exams (to get a sexual assault/rape kit for a child): Children’s Hospital, Children’s Advocacy Centers
General support: Department of Child and Family Services (link to report abuse); Children’s Hospital; Children’s Advocacy Centers; Children’s Bureau; New Orleans Family Justice Center NOFJC; Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response STAR (if sexual abuse)
Elder Abuse
It may include physical, sexual and psychological abuse, neglect and abandonment, as well as financial exploitation. The setting may be in homes, nursing homes, or assisted living facilities, and can involve family members, caregivers, family and friends, or strangers. Some indications are unexplained bruises, fractures, burns, fearfulness.
Helpful resources throughout Louisiana are listed (per state) at the Department of Justice Elder Justice Initiative:
Agencies involved
NOPD Special Victims; Orleans District Attorney’s Office DA (after arrest); Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office OPSO (if accused is jailed); Federal agencies (some cases); Docket Master (to track an Orleans criminal court case) and LA Vine (to sign up for victim notifications of custody status); Crime Victims Reparations (CVR) (victim-survivor compensation)
General support: LA Elderly Protective Services (60+): 1 (833) 577-6532 or (225) 342-0144 (may need to leave message); Louisiana Office of Aging and Adult Services (Dept of Health) helpline: 1 (866) 758-5035; NOAGE (support for older LGBTQ+ adults in New Orleans area)